Thursday, February 10, 2011

February 2011.

           If Aikido, the art of peace and harmony, is to be truly realized and manifest, it is necessary that its principle is properly grasped. How can we claim to be studying the art of O-sensei when there is so much conflict even between those who are in the position of being teachers. In an attempt to remedy this situation this blog has been undertaken. I will try therefore, in subsequent months this year, to attempt an explanation of aikido principle.              
First of all we should understand that aikido, like all martial arts, is fundamentally linear, not circular. In a martial conflict the shortest distance between two points is the main focus. Turning the body, other than to continue to face towards your partner, should be only as much as necessary. Linear (tate) is mental-spiritual and depends on intention. Horizontal is the manifestation of physical power. The greater the linear aspect of movement, the greater the level of skill and control.          
The highest level of mastery is called Gokui, which may be translated as “extreme” or “radical faith.” It may also be translated directly as “the extremity of I dimensions capacity. In other words intention, or ki, is the main factor of aikido. To the degree that the power of intention is understood and developed, technique becomes effortless and egoless. There is no competition with anyone; only one’s own movement.
I-Yi is the life will and intention. It is the motive power behind movement. It is "The pivot on which the mind turns” and it is also the most difficult thing to realize. To realize this degree of faith in your practice is to go beyond dualism to the place where, as O-sensei proclaimed, “There is no enemy.” Balancing this is A dimension’s ki which manifests expansion and a sense of self. When A is rooted in I, it gives birth to Sangen, the three origins.
The three origins come forth, therefore, as the simplest form that can be drawn with straight lines. Here, once again, we see the linear aspect of movement, and form, as the fundamental mind of aikido. When ki is sent in three independent directions at the same time the three-point power of aiki comes forth. Uke, confronted with this threefold function, is unable to find the source more less resist it. 

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